
Center IC

Center IC is our flagship client and event management system that brings the power of the Internet to your directors, management consultants and administrative staff.

Check out the functions

Center EX

A suite of powerful tools to extend Center IC across the web to your clients, attendees, and the public. Includes Event and Counseling Registration, Credit Card payments, Email Marketing, Self-Service Client Dashboards, Surveys & Assessments, Resource Libraries, Email Integration, and more, all seamlessly presented with your own public website.

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Boards and Visual Analytics

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IC Inbox

A suite of powerful tools to extend Center IC across the web to your clients, attendees, and the public. Includes Event and Counseling Registration, Credit Card payments, Email Marketing, Self-Service Client Dashboards, Surveys & Assessments, Resource Libraries, Email Integration, and more, all seamlessly presented with your own public website.

Visit the showroom

Center Analytics

Instant Insight - Manage your organization instantly. Analytics compares your metrics against goals you set and lets you know where you stand at the Network, Center and Staff levels. You can load data from anywhere into an Analytics Sheet and use it as a goal or metric for any center or staff member.

Learn more about it


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Upcoming Events

User group meetings and other training opportunities for our customers


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